Career Management

6 Ways for Networking through the Holidays!


Holidays are usually the time to relax and spend time with family and friends. While the formal hiring process may slow down a bit with recruiters away on vacation, it’s a great time to move your search forward with some networking. But if you are job seeking, you could very well utilize the holiday parties and socials as an opportunity to network.  The holidays are a great time to connect with people and expand your network. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your holiday season:

Set Goals
Identify a networking target and monitor your progress for a set number of networking meetings over the holiday season. Have a game plan in mind before you start attending holiday events.  If you already know who is going to be at the event, it’s a good idea to check their LinkedIn profiles and research a little about the organization they work for.

Network at Holiday parties
Make the most of social events by connecting with people at the party. Don’t stay within your comfort zone. Go out and meet new people and collect their business cards, so you can follow up with them later. Remember to carry your own business cards as well.

Prepare for questions
If you aren’t feeling very confident about striking conversations at holiday events, prepare a list of questions. Start with basic questions targeted at getting to know more about a person’s professional background if he/she is someone you are meeting for the first time. If you are talking to someone you have met a few times, tell them that you are currently seeking opportunities to build on your professional experience and skills.

Leverage your Family and Friends
Speak to your family and friends about what you’re looking for and what companies you’re most interested in; they may have valuable connections they can introduce you to. Your family and friends are the best network to explore while seeking a job. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends, relatives or acquaintances for introductions. Here is a great article to help you network with your family – What to Know about Networking with Family Members

Reach out to your existing network
Don’t forget your existing network which you have built over a period of time. Reach out to them with Holiday wishes and perhaps set up a meeting with them in the New Year. The New Year is a great time to revive professional relationships.

Connect on Social Media
Once you have made new contacts, don’t forget to follow-up with them via email or social media. Connect with them on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. The key is to establish that relationship while the meeting is still fresh in your contact’s mind.  Also ensure that you personalise your email or LinkedIn messages, reminding them where you met. If possible, refer to a point you made in your conversation to jog their memory.

Make the most of your holiday season by using these tips and get a head start with your job search in 2016, and share your successes with us! Join the conversation on LinkedIn and Twitter.

From all of us at Felix Global Corp, we wish you and your family all the happiness the holiday season can bring and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.