Career Management

9 Personal Branding Tips For LinkedIn


LinkedIn unveiled an all new mobile app in December 2015 which has significantly improved the platform’s user experience from a mobile perspective. The new visual interface on the app now opens the door for greater opportunity to build and showcase your professional personal brand.

Snapshot Of The Changes:

We had previously shared a Guide to use LinkedIn Effectively for Job search. Today, we will be sharing some tips on how to go about building your personal brand on LinkedIn. With improved user experience on mobile, users are more likely to check their LinkedIn more regularly on the go and there’s no better time to get started building your professional presence.

9 Personal Branding Tips For LinkedIn

(1) Create A Custom URL

Firstly, make changes to your profile’s url. Your LinkedIn URL should appear as ‘’. If it doesn’t, you should consider changing it since you could be missing out on ranking your profile on Google. Google PageRank makes it easier for people to search for you. If you are unable to get the combination on your name, try variations which are still close to your first and last name so that you don’t deviate from your LinkedIn identity.

(2) Create A Headline

Your profile headline creates the first impression and helps distinguish you from others. It is recommended that you create a headline that depicts the job you are hoping to have and not the one you are in. Your headline helps recruiters spot you in case you are looking for a job. Keep the headline clear, succinct, and use terms that LinkedIn users usually search for.

(3) Optimize Your Summary

The summary is what encapsulates your professional profile. Avoid cliché words that are widely used across many profiles; differentiate yourself with unique diction. Try to use distinctive words that best describe what you do and differentiate you from others in your field. You should update your profile often and mention projects that you have worked on. Be sure to add a clear value proposition in your summary.

(4) Add A Professional Headshot

Your profile is only complete when you add a face to the name! Having a well shot professional photo helps establish credibility which is a great brand asset. Do not add pictures taken at a party or in a casual setting as that will dilute your digital brand. In order to ensure consistency, it might even help to have the same headshot on your profiles across other social pages as well.

(5) Update Your Job Experience

Building a LinkedIn profile is not all about listing all the jobs you’ve ever had. Add the experience you gathered and the skills you developed in each job that you have had in your past. Mention the projects you worked on and links to any presentations, papers, or case studies that can be made available for public viewing. An easy way to fill this section is to copy and paste contents of your resume. You then have the option of filling in more details as you see fit, since LinkedIn allows you to share more details than a one or two page resume might.

(6) Cross-Promote Your Work

Cross-promote your social pages on LinkedIn. Share links to your personal website and your blog if you have one. You can also share links to your Twitter profile. This will help optimize your profiles and improve your search ranking on Google. Consider having an updated GooglePlus account since that will help increase your rank on Google as well.

(7) Build Brand Associations

You are judged by the company you keep. Be sure to connect with the right people and build a strong network of professionals. Ask your contacts for recommendations and follow-up with them so they write one for you. Most recruiters search for talent by identifying profiles that have the “thumbs up” graphic next to them. When selecting between you and another candidate with the same skill set and experience, you might just make the cut on the basis of the recommendations on your LinkedIn profile.

(8) Share Content

LinkedIn allows you to publish original content as well as share curated content. Try to create new content and publish it. Sharing content gives you an opportunity to position yourself as a thought leader and someone who is aware of the industry and profession she is in. Read up on the subjects you are passionate about. If you aren’t already doing this, as a starting point, check out LinkedIn Pulse and subscribe to influencers and channels that interest you.

(9) Finally, Be Consistent!

Make sure all the pieces of your professional footprint are consistent and leverage LinkedIn as a part of your unified social strategy to build your personal brand. To have a successful online brand presence your content should have the same voice and persona across all your social pages.