Career Management

Advancing Millennial Career Development


With the growing conversation surrounding developing millennials and generation Z in the workforce, Felix has taken the opportunity to assist the Government of Canada’s Expert Panel on Youth Employment as one of two private companies providing expertise and insight on youth & millennial career development strategies.

As part on an ongoing plan to assess career barriers faced by millennials and examine innovative practices by employers to create and improve youth job opportunities, the Government of Canada has established an Expert Panel on Youth Employment.

From an employer perspective, Felix is at the forefront of millennial career development having provided internships and placements for many years with extensive opportunities for those entering the job market to build long-term transferable career skills.

On February 3, 2017 one of Felix’s Senior Career Consultants, Janet Bray, will be participating in the Toronto round table with the Expert Panel on Youth Employment.

Several Round tables across Canada will be conducted with the purpose of sharing preliminary research data on the challenges millennials face in finding and maintaining employment. A final report will be presented to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour.

We are thrilled to be a part of this opportunity to influence and advance Federal policy surrounding employment and career development in Canada.

Participate in the initiative and see ongoing updates of Canada’s Expert Panel on Youth Employment on Facebook & be sure to follow the ongoing discussions on Twitter with the hashtag #YouthPanel