Leadership Development

Bringing out the Leader within the Entrepreneur


Are you making a switch from being an employee to an entrepreneur? The switch requires a change in your mindset and your outlook. Being an entrepreneur requires you to inspire and motivate your staff while navigating them through rough waters every day. In order to inspire, you should be inspired and motivated as an entrepreneur.

Just as a leader would need to keep developing herself to increase her ability to build a strong organization, an entrepreneur should invest in herself to take her fledgling empire to greater heights.

We think the articles below will help create a fresh perspective towards shaping the leader in you:

Why Would a Successful Entrepreneur Hire a Coach?
Coaches do not have secret powers or have some deep-seated knowledge of your industry that could open the door to more success. Coaches are mere humans like you and me. However, good coaches can help you see what you’re missing and identify your blind spots. If multi-million-dollar athletes rely on coaches to improve, why shouldn’t entrepreneurs?

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Have a Mentor
Mentorship has been a hot topic in the startup world for years, with incubator and accelerator programs offering it — among other things — in exchange for stock in founders’ ideas. Outside of incubators though, finding a good mentor is challenging. But finding the right mentor is a lesson in luck, persistence and not letting opportunities pass you by.

Entrepreneurs Need to Listen More and Talk Less
One of the primary qualities of a successful leader is to possess excellent listening skills. Entrepreneurs are synonymous with being passionate about their beliefs resulting in them being bad listeners. Building a business is all about building relationships, and one of the most important elements of a relationship is effective communication. Communication doesn’t happen unless both parties practice the art of effective listening. Responsible, effective listening is a rare skill that will give you a sustainable competitive advantage over your peers and your competitors.