Leadership Development

Team Optimization vs. Team Building


Organizations are now requiring that leaders demonstrate that investments in “Talent Management” have a direct return on investment (ROI). Team building, an integral part of talent management, certainly plays a key role as companies that work well within a team framework have a better shot at succeeding than companies operating in silos.

However, can investing in team building initiatives be enough to affect your overall company performance? Our experience shows us that concentrating on team building is not enough on its own:it’s Team Optimization that’s key.

What exactly is the difference between the two?

Team optimization differs from team building in these ways:

  • Applies learning centered around a common business goal that the team is aligned to and has embraced
  • Clear and relevant success are identified and utilized to measure progress/success
  • While team building is often a one-time ”event”, team optimization is on-going and progressive with embedded sustainability strategies that lead to results
  • It serves to build self awareness and awareness of oneself in relation to other team members, while optimizing individual and team outcomes. This is foundational. This net new knowledge is then applied when addressing the business issue
  • It can include skills building when common skills are absent from the team

How can you begin to optimize your team? Identify a key business issue. Then determine 2 -3 metrics that can measure success/movement on that project. FELIX, an independent third party, can help provide the appropriate support and metrics on this. The team leader can then undertake individual and team coaching to identify strengths/weaknesses and get the team working together around your business issue.

Teams are the cornerstone of how work is organized in today’s fast-paced environment. Explore key factors that underlie the creation of high-performing teams, including how team diversity can be used to maximize and sustain performance over time. Examine common pitfalls that can derail teams so you can recognize warning signs in your own work environment before it’s too late.

Remember, team building may result in a happy team; team optimization on the other hand, will have an outcome of a team that delivers business results in a unified, positive and professional manner.