Press & News

Felix Global Cheering on Sr. Consultant on her Return to the Boston Marathon 2014


We would like to congratulate Margaret Grant, Senior Consultant & Executive Coach, who is running the Boston Marathon 2014 today! Margaret ran the iconic marathon last year, successfully completed the race, but unfortunately  witnessed the horrible terrorist attack that killed four people and left hundreds injured. Thankfully Margaret and her close friends (who came to cheer her on), escaped with only minor injuries and lived to tell their story. Margaret returns this year with more energy and renewed vigor! Please reach her story here, Toronto Star, that covers her success story.

As a Senior Consultant & Executive Coach at FELIX, Margaret is actively involved in providing career management solutions to ensure every client receives dedicated face-to-face support, advice and counsel aligned to their unique individual needs and goals. She also provides leadership and team development related solutions within customized programs to assist clients and teams reach their true potential.

Margaret is an inspiration to our organization and Team FELIX couldn’t be more proud of her achievements.