Press & News

Felix Kicks Off The 2018 Mentorship Program with Women in Capital Markets


The Women in Capital Markets (WCM) Mentorship program for 2018 has officially begun! As WCM’s exclusive coaching partner, we are proud to once again be providing executive coaching to all of the Mentors and Protégées in this year’s cohort.

The WCM Mentorship program pairs Protégées with Mentors outside of their firm for a 12-month period and provides executive coaching sessions to both Protégées and Mentors, providing guidance on how to maximize the mentor relationship. Mentors are senior men and women who are dedicated to advancing women in the industry and are committed to providing invaluable support and advice to Protégées.

The Mentorship Program provides Protégées with tools, techniques, and a structured framework for advancing their career and goal setting with integrated:

  • Personality Assessments
  • Facilitated Networking
  • Professional Coaching
  • Leadership / Career Skill Builds

We look forward to working closely with each Mentor and Protégée over the next 12 months and helping them advance their professional goals.