Leadership Development

Felix Kicks off the 2016 Mentorship Program with Women in Capital Markets


The Women in Capital Markets Mentorship program for 2016 kicked off yesterday where the protégées were introduced to their mentors for the first time. Currently in its third year, this unique mentorship program pairs protégées with mentors outside of their firm for a 12 month period and provides executive coaching sessions to both protégées and mentors to maximize the mentor relationship.

This year, the program will run from February 2016 – January 2017 and will match 53 protégées with their mentors. These mentors are senior men and women who are dedicated to advancing women in the industry and will be providing their advice and support throughout the duration of this program.

Felix will be providing executing coaching to each of these mentors and protégés to help them gain the most out of this program. Through this program, Felix aims to enable each individual to identify barriers to advancement and opportunities for development and provide them with support in achieving their developmental career objectives.

The key components of this program are as follows:

  • Executive Coaching: A structured framework designed in partnership with Felix keeps participants focused on goals.
  • Protégée Skills Series: Protégées will complete the Facet5™ personality analysis and receive guidance from Felix aimed at helping protégées make the most of this valuable opportunity.
  • Mentor Skills Series: Mentors will be attending a mentors’ Skill-Building lunch series which will cover coaching tools that can be used to guide protégées, as well as their employees and direct reports at their workplace.
  • We look forward to working closely with each mentor and protégée over the next 12 months and helping them grow professionally towards their goals.

For more information on this program visit: www.wcm.ca

  • Executive Coaching: A structured framework designed in partnership with Felix keeps participants focused on goals.
  • Protégée Skills Series: Protégées will complete the Facet5™ personality analysis and receive guidance from Felix aimed at helping protégées make the most of this valuable opportunity.
  • Mentor Skills Series: Mentors will be attending a mentors' Skill-Building lunch series which will cover coaching tools that can be used to guide protégées, as well as their employees and direct reports at their workplace.

We look forward to working closely with each mentor and protégée over the next 12 months and helping them grow professionally towards their goals.

For more information on this program visit: www.wcm.ca