Career Management

How to Follow up After a Job Interview


Following up after a job interview is a critical element of the job search process. Below are some insights on what to do when following up for a job interview.

Send a Thank-you note via email. Write to the person/ panel you interviewed with and thank them for the opportunity given to you. Recruiters suggest emailing within 24 hrs to say thank you. It’s a good idea to mention why you are interested in the role and why you are a good fit to the role/organization. Do not forget to add your contact details at the end of the email.

Another way to stand out in your follow-up communications is to mention recent news about the company to show that you're keeping the job opportunity top-of-mind. This tidbit could be in regards to a blog post, industry news or something related to the job you interviewed for — it goes without saying that the news should be positive in nature; don’t send over a note with a mention of a company scandal.

Write a follow-up email after a week.  In a situation where the company has told you that they would make a decision in a week’s time, and a week goes by without any word after your initial follow-up note, it's okay to send one more polite inquiry. Be pleasant in your communication and politely request the status of the job position. Maybe they’re still in the process of interviewing candidates and haven’t yet made a decision. Or perhaps you could be considered for a different position within the organization, and they plan to contact you when it becomes available. The secret is to stay patient and positive.

There’s nothing wrong with reminding hirers of the timeline they gave, but give them a reason to engage. Ask if they need anything more from you at this point. Requesting an updated timeline shows that you’re excited about the opportunity, and gives them something tangible to reply with.

Inform your references.  In the mean time, it’s always a good practice to alert your references of the interview you have just completed.

It's crucial to check in with the references you have offered to the interviewer and give them some background on the position and, if you haven't worked with them for some time, catch them up on your career. If they do get a call, they'll be better prepared to speak about you and your work.

If you have been eagerly waiting to hear from the company and they have taken longer than estimated to reply, then you need to move on. Follow up once, and if you receive no response, follow up once more. If you still don't hear anything, move on. You never know what is happening internally at a company. The job may have been reduced in responsibility, salary, time frame or even eliminated. Most companies do not want to broadcast that kind of news to the public and opt for the safer route – which is to say nothing. If the company wants to hire you, they will contact you, whether it happens a week later, a month later or even several months later.

Do not take rejection personally. Your goal is to apply for multiple jobs and choose the best one that fits your career objectives. Maintaining a professional and positive attitude will get you to your dream job.