Leadership Development

How to Motivate Your Teams to Ensure Sustainable Growth


CEOs of most Fortune® 500 companies will tell you that great business success is achieved on the back of heightened employee performance.

It is also known that different approaches to motivation work for different employees and teams, and rarely does a one size fits all approach work when it comes to generating passion and enthusiasm for the organizational goals.

Here are some articles curated by the Felix team on this theme, outlining effective ways to motivate employees.

Could a simple five-minute interaction with another person dramatically increase your weekly productivity? In some employment environments, the answer is yes, according to Wharton management professor Adam Grant. Employees who know how their work has a meaningful, positive impact on others are not just happier than those who don’t; they are vastly more productive, too.

The science of psychology is full of theories about motivation and productivity that are relevant in the workforce today. You can use this knowledge to motivate your team, to increase their productivity, and to have a happy, energetic, and dedicated workforce. Incorporating Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one great way to increase employee motivation.

Human beings are profoundly social — we are hardwired to connect to one another and to want to work together. It is our instinctive desire to live and work in groups. Collaboration is the key ingredient in motivating teams. Executives and managers would be wise to make use of this word – ‘Together’ with far greater frequency. In fact, don’t let a communication opportunity go by without using it. Let “together” be a constant reminder to your employees that they are not alone, helping them to motivate them to perform their very best.

People are the main and the most important resource of each company. For achieving great results each leader needs to have a motivation strategy to create and maintain the spirit of enthusiasm among employees. Below are 15 effective ways for you to motivate your staff and ensure the continuous growth of your organization.