Organizational Effectiveness

Why Your Organization Needs Talent Mobility


Talent mobility is beginning to be discussed more among HR teams in the recent weeks. As a relatively recent tool in the talent toolbox, mobility is being seen as key to helping organizations gain more engagement and loyalty from employees. With the talent war heating up and organizations getting competitive with their hiring and talent management practices, it is important for organizations to be mobilizers of talent and develop and deploy their talent to achieve business success. The ability of organizations to manage their talent will give them an edge in their industry and help them achieve success.

What is Talent Mobility?

Talent mobility is moving talent within the organization to where it is needed the most and aligning an employee’s skill set, aspirations, and abilities to an appropriate role which can fuel business growth. It is a strategic initiative by the organization to manage talent as an asset and leverage it appropriately to achieve critical objectives while keeping the employee’s career goals in mind.

The following articles provide further insights and can be inspiring as you refresh your talent management plan for the coming performance year.

Making Mobility Matter

Developing an appropriate mobility strategy entails answering three questions: What kind of mobility? Mobility for whom? And how much mobility? Your answers will depend on your company’s circumstances and overarching objectives.
This timeless Harvard Business Review article by Haig R. Nalbantian and Richard A. Guzzo gives insights on successes and failures in deploying a talent mobility strategy and offers a framework for solving the mobility equation in a way that’s right for your organization.

Talent mobility: 2020 and beyond

We’re facing a world where the best and brightest talent is prepared to follow their own agenda and opportunities, wherever they may be and irrespective of who is offering them. It’s a world where the strongest and most sustainable supply of talent is in the east, rather than the west, and a world where technology has changed the very way we work. Economic transformation and demographic changes have already had an impact on talent supply and demand. The emergence of a new generation of workers presents an entirely new set of challenges. Do take a look at the interesting infographic on Modern mobility – The next decade in a globally connected world.

Move Over or Move Up – a talent mobility strategy is critical for succession management success

This article talks about talent mobility being a critical enabler to succession management. To ensure a ‘move ready’ pool of talented employees and managers, organizations need to know where their talent resides today and from where it will come in the future. Without such a succession strategy, organizations will be at risk. Companies that commit to developing and mobilizing individual contributors and leaders will have the steady supply of highly-skilled and engaged 21st century talent that is requisite to keeping their businesses viable and thriving.

We hope you found these suggestions insightful. Let us know how you have implemented a successful talent mobility initiative in your organization by writing to us at or connecting with us on LinkedIn andTwitter.